Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Busy with Uni. :(

It's been a long while since I've posted. Uni's started and it's been pretty full on! So I've been quite busy trying to catch up. And the after-effects from my car accident have came back in full force to haunt me. :( I've resorted to seeing a physio and taking lots of painkillers to cope with the agonising pain. :/ I'm going to see a osteopath next week and see if that helps! Hopefully it does some wonders and I never have back pain again! :) Additional to that, I'm also down with the flu. So the past week, I can say, that it has been a pretty 'sick' week. Battling a sore throat, blocked nose and back pain (thank God that it's managed well with painkillers) can be quite difficult. And I'm not really managing it well as I've got assignments due as well. I thought this semester will be alright, but it's not. :(

2 of my research assignments are due next Friday. I think I'll have to ask for extensions if not I doubt I'll be able to complete as my flu medicines makes me pretty drowsy in the day. :( And I have 2-3 tutes a week which requires 1-2 days to prep in advance for it. So that doesn't leave me much time to do the 2 research assignments. :( Quite scared, I don't know even if I have medical certificate, can I still have a extension? :( But I will have to try!

Anyway! I was actually watching some video on Youtube, and I chanced upon Campus Superstar 3. The grand champion is seriously so good! And she's only 19 years old! Whoa! To get a score >55/60 is seriously quite good, especially in the finals! She reminds me of Campus Superstar 1, Teresa, who wow-ed the judges with her voice too. I love her songs '心痛' and '记得'. This young lady is a lookout for sure! :)



Enjoy her voice! I've uni early tomorrow, got to go and sleep now! :) xx

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